Member mobile phone types

Do you know what type of device your members use to book in for classes and record their workouts?

A constant focus for us is to continue to ensure Influx remains the simplest to use fitness software for both clubs and members.

To do this, we need to understand how members use InfluxApp on their mobile devices. One interesting insight is the operating system members use. Worldwide, Android has a slight edge over Apple, and is show in this table (source: Wikipedia):

Our data on mobile operating system gives some slightly different results:

Of the people who use InfluxApp to book in for classes and record their workouts, approximately 2/3 use an Apple device (iPhone / iPad) and 1/3 use an Android device. You can see the exact breakdown in this pie graph:

The best way your members can make InfluxApp even easier to use is to save the ‘app’ to the home screen of their smart phone. If they do this, accessing InfluxApp takes no time at all.

Here’s how:

How to save InfluxApp to a smart phone